"Where the hardgrass meets the Sandhills"
Premier of the Sandhills
Catalog Horse Sale will offer online bidding with Cattle USA & DVAuction!
You MUST register with Gordon Livestock - CattleUSA/DVAuction by May 30, 2025!
To be approved to bid we do require a "Letter of Good Standing" from your bank. This letter states that you are a client and hold an account. This letter can be emailed to gordonlivestock1171@gmail.com. After we receive this letter we will assign you a bidder number and you will be ready to buy!
All in person buyers just have to stop in the GLM office and acquire a bidder number!
We will livestream the Catalog Preview on our Gordon Livestock Facebook Page.
Our Sale Catalog will be available online and printed copies will be available at the sale barn. If you wish to receive a catalog via mail please fill out the contact information below and we will send you one.